
Iron Cove Classic 1

Published Fri 17 Nov 2023

Iron Cove Classic 1

With an early start the Good Ship Sydney Womens’ set off from the club house towed to Rodd Point with a start time of 7.30am for our first outing in the 2023-2024 season in the women’s 8.

Missing our expert tow rope mistress, Enza the magnificent, the men stepped up and proved that they had been observant pupils to her ministrations in this regard over the years.

With fair weather, albeit quite cool, the convoy set off followed in haste by the rest of the club members in their cars to greet the boats at Rodd Point.

Met at Rodd Point by our able and willing coxswain, Ami, the waterway looked deserted until about 20 minutes before the start when crews started appearing in quick succession.  A quick warm up followed and then we were off.  A little shaky start that morphed into long and steady strokes as our coach marked the start line for us at a good rate of 28 that we were able to maintain up past the bridge.  Our very cool as a cucumber cox urged us along and brought focus to our efforts at regular periods but she excelled herself at the midpoint of the race with her navigation of Cockatoo Island.  The Bow side stood tall and pulled us around in three steady sections while the Stroke side tried to maintain the length and keep the boat stable for the turning phases.

The effort at the Island and the very unwelcome and rough wash on the last long pull around the island saw us drop a little but Ami kept us focussed, and called for the pressure to be applied to see us lift the rate which was maintained till we crossed the finish line. 

The conditions on Iron Cove were extremely good on the day.  Coolish and low wind. 

Everyone should be pleased with the sustained effort that we put in for the duration of the race and of our placing of 7th in the field of 10.

Congratulations to all the crew for a terrific row.


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