Abbotsford Rowing Club

Welcome to the website of Abbotsford Rowing Club. We are located in Hen and Chicken Bay next to the Parramatta River. Our small, friendly club has a proud history dating back to 1910. We were initially a women-only rowing club, but in recent years we have welcomed an increasing number of men. In 2018 we changed our name from Sydney Womens Rowing Club to Abbotsford Rowing Club.

We are mainly (but not exclusively) Masters Rowers (27+ years of age) but also compete in Grade regattas where there are no age limits.  In addition to our competitive rowers, we have an active and enthusiastic group of non-competition rowers, enjoying a healthy outdoor sport for fun and fitness. Our recreational rowers row mainly on Sunday mornings.

Each year we run a Learn to Row program which provides expert coaching on the fundamentals of good rowing technique in a welcoming and supportive atmosphere. Our LTR program is open to participants with either a competitive or non-competitive aim.  Many of our more recent members are graduates of the LTR.

Congratulations to the novice quad (Bronwyn, Anne, Victoria, Melissa) who won the women's novice quad race at the Balmain Rowing Club Regatta on Sunday 2nd February. This means that they have "graduated" and can no longer row in novice events. · Read more
The annual trip to Taree for two and a half days of racing on the Manning River was great fun as usual. The photos (compliments of Lillian) show some of the events contested by ARC rowers and the somewhat challenging conditions on some days. The storm that hit just before the start of the mixed eights race made things particularly exciting. ARC powered through the tempest which was better than some of the other 14 eights in that race. One boat sank! · Read more
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